The birthday that wasn't
Your baby book is going to tell another story but here in this blog, I'm going to be honest with you...Charlie you didn't have a first birthday party. It just didn't happen. Let's be honest, it's because you're the second child and quite frankly we're just tired.
I won't blame you when you claim that we loved Logan more. Just look at the photo evidence:
We dressed her in a fancy outfit, silver shoes and all.
And for you? I'm not going to lie, you weren't even wearing pants in this picture.
As for that sorry looking crown you're wearing, Logan made it with tape and construction paper. Honestly it's cause she felt bad for you since she remembered we got her a custom crown from Etsy.
And look at her party, the freaking paparazzi was there. For you it was just mom and dad. Logan couldn't even be bothered to sing happy birthday. She was in the living room watching TV.
But there was one category in which your first birthday excelled - cupcake eating. Just look at that drool! You'd never even tasted sugar but you couldn't wait to dive in.
And dive in you did.
Hands down you won at cupcake eating. Look at Logan. That was the messiest she got. I think maybe she ate a crumb.
Not you, you crushed that cupcake. That's my boy. Happy Birthday we love you even though we gipped you on a first birthday party.
