Time Flies in NYC

My friends warned me that time gets away from you in NYC. Without noticing it will be 3pm before you eat lunch, 11pm before you eat dinner or 2 months since you wrote your last blog post. Sorry about that but there has just been so much to do that I forgot to stop and write it all down.

Unfortunately with all that we have been up to, it is very heard to remember everything we have done. That is because each day we have off is just so jammed pack with activities. Take today for example, Scott is away so Logan and I were flying solo. She was up at 5:30am and we were out the door by 8am to go to the Greenmarket at Grand Army Plaza. While we are there we grab a muffin from her favorite vendor and then head to the fountains just past the arches to see "Ariel's Father" which is a statue of Kind Triton or Poseidon depending on which story you follow. Then we trekked back to the house, unloaded the groceries, changed into our princess dress and headed for the Q train to go farther into Prospect Park then I cared to walk.

My favorite NYC mom site (Mommypoppins.com) had listed a free play at the Imagination playground which started at 11am. We got there at about 10:30 and Logan ran around while the theater group was getting ready. 5 minutes before the play Logan could not contain herself anymore and had to sit in the front row to wait. She was excited because I told her it was a story about fairies - hence the need to wear her princess dress. About 10 minutes into this variation of A Midsummer Night's Dream, Logan got spooked by the Queen and all of her screaming about her various lovers. We got up and slithered to the back of the audience where Logan spent the next 20 minutes perched on a dragon statue for safety.

By that point I was hungry and convinced Logan it was time to head back to the train. On our way back we got distracted by some chanting coming from a rotunda near by. Logan wanted to run up to hear the singing and as we got closer I realized it was a Capoeira group. Logan really wanted to get in the middle and "dance" with them but these guys were really going at it. It was a pretty impressive, seemingly choreographed, half-fighting, half-dance chanting circle. We watched for awhile and then Logan got distracted by her shadow and started dancing in her own circle.

At this time it was noon, I was now starving and had to pee so I somehow convinced Logan that it was really time to go. While waiting for the train Logan exclaimed that she was not tired and did not want to nap when we got home but then fell asleep instantly after we got on the train.

After her nap we watched a touch of the World Cup game but it didn't hold her attention so we headed to our favorite playground. Logan spent most of her time today running through puddles from the fountains or swinging on the tire swing.

After an hour at the playground we walked back to the house, stopping for Gelato along the way. Logan was too tired to do much once we were home except conk out on the couch while watching Pocohontas. After a quick dinner she was in bed and sound asleep by 7:15. Now it is 8pm and I am exhausted. That my friends is how time flies in NYC. Did I mention it is only Saturday? I still have another day before Scott gets home.


Tom O'Donnell said…
You are very lucky to live in such an adventurous and action-packed urban area. We cannot wait to get back to the Bay Area to expose the kids to these types of days. (And I will bite my historian's tongue on my thoughts about her exposure to "Pocahontas.")

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